Senior Pastor - Kent Miller
What To Expect
Palace of Praise is a multi-generational church where people of all races, backgrounds and walks of life come together to worship, grow in their relationship with God and discover authentic relationships. From students to professionals, preschoolers to senior adults, we have ministries tailored specifically to every member of your family.
Our prayer is that through the ministry of The Palace of Praise you will experience first hand the love and power of Christ in your life. We trust that you will discover the Palace to be a church full of people who love God and are excited to serve Him.
When should I arrive?
Sunday School begins at 9:30am and morning worship service at 10:30 am. Plan to arrive about 15 to 20 minutes before the class or service starts. This will allow plenty of time for parking and to comfortably walk your children to their groups.
What should I wear?
You will find a wide variety of dress at Palace of Praise – from suits to jeans, from dressy to casual. It’s up to you!
What do you have for kids?
We love children at the Palace! We believe they are gifts from God. It is our desire to partner with parents in teaching and training them the Word. It is our prayer that all children come to know God and work to develop a real and active relationship with Him. For specific ministries for children please see the Ministries page of this site.
What about youth?
If you’re in Jr. High or High School, Next Level Student Ministries is for you! They meet every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm for an incredible time of worship with awesome music, life-changing messages and a chance to build friendships with other students who love Jesus. We also have Sunday School classes that offer an opportunity for teens to learn/study the Word.
What about young adults?
Thrive Ministries is designed to meet the social as well as the spiritual needs of young adults ages 18-25. They meet on Wednesday night from 6:00 pm - 7:00 p.m. For more info. on these ministries please see the Ministries page of the website.
Life Ministries is a group of young adults in their "20's - 30's" whose goal is to reach young adults through the ministry of training and teaching the application of the Word of God in everyday life. They meet on Sunday morning at 9:30 for Sunday School and on Wed. night from 6:00pm - 7:00 pm. They have a vision to bring souls to Christ and prepare believers for the journey through life.
What are the services like?
We strive to have authentic, biblical worship that glorifies God. Our worship is expressive and joyful. Pastor Kent Miller brings truth to life through his in-depth study of the Scriptures and relevant biblical teaching.
Guest Services
We’ll be happy to answer any questions or assist you in any way possible. You’ll find the Guest Services Desk in the foyer to the left as you walk through the main entrance.
How do I get involved?
The ministries of the Palace of Praise are built on the dedication of ordinary people living extraordinary lives of service. Whatever your talents, there’s a place for you to serve. We’re here to help you find a place to serve in your area of interest, passion and giftedness. >> CLICK TO GET CONNECTED TODAY! <<